The Company
The Owner
Single Services
Tree Appraisal and Valuation
Tree Health Diagnosis
Tree Inventory and GIS Mapping
Tree Risk Assessment
Canopy Management
Tree Care
Preventive Treatment
Tree Pruning
We believe you deserve to enjoy beautiful healthy trees and safe tree spaces!
Our Company
Inner Tree Consulting & Tree Care, specializes in tree preservation within the urban forest.
As a
Arborist, I partner with clients to provide comprehensive canopy management and preservation solutions.
I know that i
nformed tree ownership and management leads to increased canopy value and reduced management costs.
Our clients enjoy enhanced landscape value and appeal, while meeting a legitimate standard of care.
The results of our work, generally fall into one or more of these categories:
Improved landscape aesthetics
Reduced management costs
Risk tolerable tree spaces
Informed budgeting and investing
Project efficiency and team cohesion
Resolved canopy maintenance timelines
Increased landscape and/or canopy values
Mitigation of plant stock and installation loss
Defensible compliance with a lawful Standard of Care
Green credit retention during infrastructure development
Legal protection and/or restitution following avoidable loss
Standardization of industry approved management methods
Preservation of landscape assets exposed to biological stress
Enhanced wellness for a community!
Single Services:
Health Diagnosis
Risk Assessment
Education & Training
Appraisal & Valuation
Inventory & GIS Mapping
Tree Protection Plans: Development & Construction
Tree Care Plans & Specifications
Planting Plans & Specifications
Municipal Forestry Advocacy
Perennial Services:
Canopy Management
Inventory & GIS Mapping
Canopy Management Plan (CMP)
Optional: Work Management Oversight
Specialty Services:
Preventive Treatment for Fatal Insects & Diseases
Pruning for Tree Preservation
The Company
The Owner
Single Services
Tree Appraisal and Valuation
Tree Health Diagnosis
Tree Inventory and GIS Mapping
Tree Risk Assessment
Canopy Management
Tree Care
Preventive Treatment
Tree Pruning